Is weight lifting bad for your joints?

Submitted by Emily on
body building

A great question that I hear and see being asked a lot.  So, what's the deal?

Well, it's quite the opposite actually.

Lifting weights and bodyweight strength training have a positive impact on your joints.  Couple this with the great benefits it has on your muscles, posture, metabolism, mood, energy, ability to perform daily tasks with ease, I mean the list goes on.

Yes, there have been instances where people have been injured because of weightlifting.  It is likely that they were over training at a specific joint and thus causing strain and/ or their form was not correct, therefore affecting their ability to perform the movement.


Key things to remember when you lift weights:

* Warm up before each session, focusing on dynamic movements to allow for more fluid motion around the working joints and muscles.

* Prepare for each movement before you begin to lift the weight.  Focus on your posture and use your core to stabilise you.

* Pick up and lower weights safely.

* Take your time with each movement, concentrate on what you are doing and avoid jerking.

* Use a suitable resistance/load.  If you cannot perform the exercise through a full range of motion without jerking, then the resistance/load is too heavy.

* Stretch the working muscles afterwards.  This is the time to perform static stretches and in doing so, will increase flexibility and mobility.

* Ensure you have adequate rest periods in between sets and also rest days.  

* If it hurts, you must Stop!  List to your body and do not push through pain.

* If you already have pain/an injury then do not lift until you are feeling better.  You will only prolong the recovery process and at worse, cause yourself more pain and further injury.


If you're in any doubt, I would always advise that you seek guidance from a qualified personal trainer, who specialises in resistance training.  They will be able to demonstrate the exercises, support you and progress you safely.


The take home from this is that, as long as you ensure you are performing the exercises with proper technique, lifting weights will strengthen the muscles surrounding your joints.  It is great for your joint stability, great for your posture and can help reduce the risk of bone and joint issues in later life.

So, pick up the weights ladies!


Are you still unsure about how to perform some exercises and really want to enhance your strength or build muscle?  Contact me now for you Free consultation and we can discuss your goals and see what steps you need to take to make things happen :-)