online coaching

How water and vitamin C can make you look younger

Submitted by Emily on

We all want youthful skin, right?  Who doesn't want to grow old and look 10 or 20 years younger?  I know I do!

Well, what are you doing about it?

Moisturising your face and having a good skin care regime is key but what is often neglected is looking after your skin from the inside out.

Drinking plenty of Water and Eating the Rainbow are your skin's best friends.


Is a 30 minute workout enough?

Submitted by Emily on


It's that simple.


The NHS guidelines state that as adults we should all do 150 minutes of moderate physical activity over 4 - 5 days, every week.  Or 75 minutes of high intensity exercise every week.  If you are someone who is usually sedentary, building up exercise duration slowly is crucial and every bit of movement counts towards creating better habits and improving your health.

Is weight lifting bad for your joints?

Submitted by Emily on

A great question that I hear and see being asked a lot.  So, what's the deal?

Well, it's quite the opposite actually.

Lifting weights and bodyweight strength training have a positive impact on your joints.  Couple this with the great benefits it has on your muscles, posture, metabolism, mood, energy, ability to perform daily tasks with ease, I mean the list goes on.