How water and vitamin C can make you look younger

Submitted by Emily on
fitness and nutrition

We all want youthful skin, right?  Who doesn't want to grow old and look 10 or 20 years younger?  I know I do!

Well, what are you doing about it?

Moisturising your face and having a good skin care regime is key but what is often neglected is looking after your skin from the inside out.

Drinking plenty of Water and Eating the Rainbow are your skin's best friends.


Let's take a look at water first.

Water literally hydrates your skin, which in turn helps to keep it more elastic and less prone to fine lines and wrinkles, which are the most visible signs of ageing on the face and all over the body.  Water can also help prevent scarring from being too thick or dark.

Water is truly amazing!


Now let's take a look at Vitamin C.

Found in a variety of fruits and vegetables, Vitamin C is an essential micronutrient that the body needs daily.  It's a water-soluble vitamin, which means any excess will be flushed away.  We need vitamin C to support a healthy immune system, which can help fight off cold and flu symptoms.   As an antioxidant, we need it to fight free radicals in the body.  It helps in cell growth and repair for bones, muscles and skin.  

Wounds healing quickly, a brighter and firmer complexion are all aided by the production of collagen.  From our mid-twenties we begin to lose collagen and by the time we hit our 50s we have very little, which can lead to weaker joints, muscles and ageing of the skin.  We therefore need to support the production of this important protein and we can do so through eating more plants in our diets every single day. 

Foods high in Vitamin C include Berries, Citrus Fruits, Kiwi, Tomatoes, Sprouts, Peppers, Broccoli, Potatoes and more.  Basically, eating the rainbow is the way forward for younger looking skin.


So now you know that you can do more to improve the health and appearance of your skin.  I bet you're running for the tap to fill up on water and then heading out to the supermarket to buy more berries, sprouts and potatoes. :-)


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