Is a 30 minute workout enough?

Submitted by Emily on
fat loss programme


It's that simple.


The NHS guidelines state that as adults we should all do 150 minutes of moderate physical activity over 4 - 5 days, every week.  Or 75 minutes of high intensity exercise every week.  If you are someone who is usually sedentary, building up exercise duration slowly is crucial and every bit of movement counts towards creating better habits and improving your health.

You do not need to exercise or workout for 1 hour or 45 minutes.  You can achieve a lot in just 30 minutes, where that time is spent wisely, doing good quality exercises and you give 100% to that session.  For example, you can do 3 full body structured workouts and for the remainder of the week enjoy walking, swimming, dancing, cycling, etc to keep on top of your physical activity.

I work with a lot of busy women and mamas and have created programmes for them that range from 30 - 60 minutes in duration.  With us all having different demands and schedules, my goal is to ensure all my clients get the most out of their session because that's all that matters. 

Whether you exercise at home, outdoors, in a gym or do an exercise class, 30 minutes is more than fine.


Whatever your goal, whether it be Fat Loss, Building Strength, Building Muscle, Improving fitness; here are my Top 4 Tips when you feel short on time:

1) Plan your day and week ahead.  Slot in your workouts and add them to your phone's diary/calendar too.  When you see the reminder, don't ignore it.  Go do it!

2) If your original programme is usually longer than 30 minutes, take a set off each exercise.  Getting the exercises done even for 1-2 sets is still better than you not doing anything.

3) Don't forget to make time to warm up before and stretch your body after.

4) Don't stress yourself out about not having enough time.  Life happens!  As long as you show up and do the best you can with the time you have, you can finish the session saying you nailed it.


It's not about how long you exercise or workout, it's about how good it was, the quality of the exercises and how in line they were with your goals.  

So yes, a 30 minute workout can still be a damn good workout.


Are you wanting to lose fat, build strength, get fitter?  Is time a massive barrier for you?

Get in touch with me now by heading over to my contact page and enjoy an informal chat with me to discuss your goals and learn more about how I can help you achieve them.