Why eating Protein is so important

Submitted by Emily on
vegan protein

Protein makes up one of the three crucial macronutrients that your body needs to survive, so you need to be aware of how much and what kind you are eating.


You all know that protein is essential for muscle growth and repair but did you know that it does a great deal more for your body?

We use different proteins found in our bodies for things such as: hair growth, to be able to transport oxygen in our blood around our body, to regulate blood sugar, help fight viruses, to help blood clotting and many more.

For the above things to happen the body uses different types of proteins.  To regulate blood sugar, our bodies use insulin.  To transport oxygen in our blood, we use haemoglobin.  To fight viruses, our bodies use antibodies.  

You can see that it is therefore crucial that you consume enough protein daily to maintain your normal bodily functions.


But, how much should you consume?

For those who are not very active you should consume approx. 0.75 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of body weight.  If a person weighs 65kgs then they need at least 49 grams of protein per day.  

The amount of protein your body needs will be determined by your physical activity levels.  A runner will need a different amount to a body builder.  For example, those who aim to build muscle mass, a protein intake of 1.6 - 2 grams per 1 kilogram of body weight is a better ratio in order to achieve that goal.  For an individual weighing 65kgs, who wants to build muscle, they should ideally eat over 104 grams of protein per day.


Where can Protein be found?

Protein is found in plants and animal products.  

You will be aware that meat, eggs and fish all have protein, in varying amounts.  What you might not know is that there are many plant based proteins available too.  The best sources are tofu, tempeh, seitan, meat alternatives and protein powders.  Beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas all contain protein but the ratio of protein per 100 grams of these foods are not as high and because of their high fibre content, having them alongside another plant based option is advisable, as opposed to using them as your main protein source.  

With both plant and animal based proteins be mindful of consuming those which have been less processed, as these will contain less saturated and trans fats, less salt and sugar and be lower in cholesterol.

For good health, aim to eat a mix of plant based and animal based proteins.  For optimal health, sticking with plant based proteins only is the way to go.


What percentage of your daily calorie intake should be Protein?

Protein should make up, on average, around 10 - 15% of your daily calorie intake.  Again, for those who have goals of building muscle mass then this percentage will need to go up.

So you can visualise your day, total carbohydrates like bread, potatoes should be approximately 50 - 55% and fats like avocado, olive oil, peanut butter should be approximately 20 - 25% (no more than 35%) or your daily calorie intake. 


Three things for you to remember:

Include protein in every meal or snack you consume, to ensure that the protein you eat is lean and not overly processed and to aim for mainly plant based proteins.


Are you still confused by how much protein to eat and which ones are best?  Get in touch with me today to book your free consultation and I can help you!