Is sweat an indicator of a good workout?

Submitted by Emily on
any workout is a good workout

Short answer is, not really. 

Let me explain why.


Firstly, any exercise you do that you enjoy and makes you feel good is a great workout :-). 

Secondly, it totally depends on the workout you do.  If you do a yoga session you will gain so much in terms of flexibility, core stability and mindfulness but you may only sweat a little if any at all.  If you do a HIIT session you are likely to raise your heart rate, burn lots of calories and sweat a lot.  Both are fantastic and show that you do not need to sweat buckets to have a good workout.


Some other common misconceptions

Needing to feel sore in the days after you've trained.  This is not an indicator of a good workout and depending on the severity of the soreness, can be a serious issue.  DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) is experienced when you perform new exercises or work in the eccentric (lengthening) phase of the muscle contraction.  You can do a banging strength or hypertrophy session and not experience any DOMS.

Having to work to failure in every set.  You do not have to do this to make your workout 'good.'  In order to get the most out of your strength or hypertrophy session, you should be working hard enough that the last couple of reps are a struggle but doable.  If you want to work to failure on some of your sets, I would seriously advise that you have someone spot you for your safety.


There are better ways of knowing if you've had a great session.  Sweat, soreness and working to failure each time are not what you should be aiming for.   These are....


Feeling pumped during and after the workout

Feeling energised

Feeling less fatigued

Feeling less stressed

A good nights sleep

Feeling fatigued in those last few reps

Feeling hungry after the workout

Knowing you gave it your all


If you feel any of the above, you have just done a fantastic workout, whatever that workout was!


Need some help finding a workout that fits you and your needs?  Contact me today for your free consultation for a home or gym based programme.