Can I get in shape in 3 months?

Submitted by Emily on

The short answer is Yes.  You can certainly make great strides in that time. 

You need to consider what your current health is like and what you want to achieve by embarking on your fitness and nutrition journey.  You have to ask yourself, "how long did it take me to get to where I am now?"  If the answer is 1 year, then you cannot expect to make positive changes in 1 month. 

In the first month of your new programme you might not see many visible changes but you will certainly feel them.  By month two you will start to see some changes to your body and those more desirable habits you started in month one, will now feel more like the norm.  By month three you will be feeling and moving better and you are more likely to see your body transforming. 

If you want to get in shape and keep it that way, then it needs to be a gradual process.  No quick fixes!


My Top 5 Tips are:

1) Eat a balanced, varied and non-restrictive diet.  Eating foods, you enjoy while incorporating more nutritious foods is a sustainable way to get in shape.

2) If the goal is fat loss, then eating in a calorie deficit is key.  Not a major deficit, but one that is reasonable for your age, gender, weight and current physical activity levels.  You don't have to feel hungry!

3) Do physical activity and exercise that you enjoy.  I cannot stress this one enough.  If you don't like running, don't run.  If you hate HIIT, don't do it.  

4) Sleep between 7-9 hours every night.  Rest is very often overlooked and is so important to seeing results.

5) Hydrate your body by regularly drinking water throughout the day.  Water is essential for the functioning of your mind and body.


The main things to take away are to enjoy the process and to have realistic expectations.

If you want to get in shape you need to start somewhere, right?

How does a Free initial consultation to discuss your goals sound?  Take that first step today and go to my Contact page to fill in the short webform and I look forward to helping you take the second step.