5 reasons why women should strength train

Submitted by Emily on


"If I lift weights I'll look manly."

"Lifting weights doesn't work your heart as much as cardio."

"I won't burn as any calories."


I often hear women say one or more of the above as reasons why they don't lift weights or strength train and spoiler alert Ladies... None of them are valid reasons.  Let me take each one and tell you why.


Looking Manly

Men have a lot of testosterone and thus build muscle a lot easier, quicker and in greater volumes than we do.  We have approximately 10% of their testosterone, so when we strength train we are likely to look leaner and have more definition without the bulk.  Of course, if your goal is to build huge muscles then this is possible; it will just take time and patience to get there.

Not as good as cardio

Have you lifted weights over your head for several reps?  How did you feel when you put the weights down?  I bet you felt breathless and I bet if you checked your pulse, it would be high.  Don't underestimate how fast your heart will beat and how good you will be working it by doing strength training exercises and movements.

Not as many calories burned

So, you finish a weights session and you don't burn as many calories as you'd hoped.  Bad workout, right?  Wrong.  You will burn calories not only during the session but in the hours and even days after, which is more than can be said for cardio.  With cardio you will burn calories during the workout itself but not much afterwards.


Do you need more of an incentive?  Read on...


5 reasons why women should strength train and lift weights

  1. For many women losing fat is a key goal.  After several months of weight training, you will start to build muscle and lose body fat, giving you that toned appearance.  Don't forget through, that good nutrition is key to achieving a fat loss goal, not just exercise.
  2. You'll feel stronger!  It's an exhilarating feeling to progress each week and begin to lift more, to feel your strength grow and feel more confident in your abilities.  
  3. You'll help to improve your posture and joint stability.  This will help you perform your day-to-day activities with more ease and avoid injuries.  
  4. Strength training helps stave off conditions such as, osteoporosis and help better manage conditions such as diabetes, frailty and depression.
  5. It can lower your stress levels, make you feel good and if done with a partner or in a small group setting can be great for morale.


As you can see, strength training for women is fantastic!  The chances of you looking like the hulk are minimal and the possibilities of you looking great, loving how you look and feel, bettering your health and building your confidence are immeasurable. 

Pick up those weights ladies and get squatting ;-)


Are you nervous about strength training?  Let me help you get started.  Get in touch with me now for your Free consultation via my contact page.